Danser uitgelicht op een donker podium, op de knieen en buigend naar achteren


For the eleventh edition of TWOOLS, the flyer promises "four sizzling dance evenings" full of surprises, new talent and new choreographies. The formula has become well-known and popular in Rotterdam, with audiences in the theatre fully enjoying the show four nights in a row.

Although the six guest choreographers are free, as always, to create whatever they want, there are recurring elements within the programme that work as a common thread for that audience. Reviewer Ali Mahmoud of Dance Europe writes, for example: "The theme, which was to occur in various guises, is the homage paid to classical ballet and other dance forms." Modern classical idiom characterises the work Kleines Allegro by resident choreographer Georg Reischl and in Skin by Jérôme Delbey, the winner of the Scapino Production Prize, classical ballet phrases are alternated with sudden angularity. Thom Stuart presents a subtle pastiche on the work of great master Hans van Manen with Zilverwerk, danced by 6 Scapino dancers and 18 students of the Rotterdam Dance Academy Codarts.

Former NDT dancer Marina Mascarell Martinez presents Almost A New Day, an early investigation into 'the rebellious body' that will characterise her later work. From Scapino's own ranks, Lucas Jervies and Loïc Perela follow up their earlier TWOOLS creation. Jervies makes Sub Rosa (Under the rose), a title that refers to an agreement made in confidence, and Perela closes the programme with Hmm...mm...mmmm, which breathes the atmosphere of a garden party.

With four very short dance pieces, all titled Olé, Ed Wubbe provides another surprising thread: his dancers conclude the four choreographies, each with subtle reinterpretations of flamenco movements, with a coolly pronounced 'Olé'.

Also part of TWOOLS11 is the choreography Focus, which Ed Wubbe created for the NPS programme The evening of the young dancer. The work is danced by four students from the dance academies in Rotterdam, Tilburg, Arnhem and The Hague.



Concept and artistic direction
Ed Wubbe

Marina Mascarell Martinez, Jérôme Delbey, Thom Stuart, Lucas Jervies, Loïc Perela, Georg Reischl and Ed Wubbe

Antonin Dvorák, Ludwig von Beethoven, W.A. Mozart, Adam Gates, John Cale, Isaac Albeniz, Louis Attaque, Jean-Louis Huhta

Costume design
Pamela Homoet, Petra Finke, Lucas Jervies, Georg Reischl, Loïc Perela

Light design
Benno Veen, Jim French, Loïc Perela

Twee dansers, een zittend op de vloer met benen wijd, de ander staand met armen wijd
Twee dansers, de linker staand voorover gebogen en de rechter daar bovenuit torend


 - 1
Choreography: Ed Wubbe

Kleines Allegro

Choreography: Georg Reischl

Almost a new day
 'Sometimes we don ’t need to think in order to live’

Choreography: Marina Mascarell Martinez together with the dancers

Olé - 2
Choreography: Ed Wubbe


Choreography: Jerome Delbey


Choreography: Thom Stuart (De Dutch Don't Dance Division)

Sub Rosa (under the rose)

Choreography: Lucas Jervies

 - 3
Choreography: Ed Wubbe


Choreography: Ed Wubbe
Danced by Marne van Opstal (among others) winner of the 'Avond van de jonge danser'

 - 4
Choreography: Ed Wubbe

Hmm mm m...

Choreography: Loïc Perela