Man met vriendelijke blik

Loïc Perela

Loïc Perela studied classical dance at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Danse in Marseille and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Danse in Paris.

He danced with Europa Danse in France, IT Dansa in Spain and the German Donlon Dance Company. From 2004 to 2012 he was a dancer with Scapino Ballet.

While still dancing with the company, he began to create short choreographies that appeared in various editions of TWOOLS: including Hmm mm m (TWOOLS11, 2009) and Par la main (TWOOLS14, 2012). In 2012 Perela spread his wings to work as an independent choreographer. He became artist-in-residence at the Rotterdam production house Dansateliers, where he researched our sensory abilities, the body as a voice and polyphony. With his concept for HASHTAG, Perela won the 2015 Dutch Dance Days Prize. VOICE: offering he made in 2017-2018 at DeChâtel Surplace, in which the voice was the starting point for the choreography, followed by a second part: VOICE.

Since 2017 Loïc has been developing his work from his own foundation Colab. in Portugal.