Vrouw buiten met gesloten ogen, genietend naar boven kijkend met het gezicht naar de zon

Savea Kagan

Savea Kagan is a final-year dance student at Codarts Rotterdam. Savea is a participant in Scapino's Young Talents Program.

Scapino's Young Talents Program is one of the most intensive talent development programs in the Netherlands. Together with the dance academies, we train six top talents every year. This way, Scapino contributes to a new generation of world-class dancers.

Would you like to contribute to this program? Find out more on how you can.


Curriculum Vitae

2002, Los Angeles, USA

- Codarts University of the Arts
- Los Angeles County High School For The Arts

Scholarships, nominations & awards
- Spotlight Music Center 2020: Honorable Mention
- YoungArts: Winner in Dance 2019

Danseres achterover gebogen die de camera inkijkt

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