Man buiten die naar boven kijkt en met gesloten ogen geniet van de zon

Lung-Ssu Yen

During the season 2023/2024 Lung-Ssu Yen dances with Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. Lung-Ssu was with our company during his final year at Codarts Young Talent.

Unfortunately, we were able to enjoy Lung-Ssu very little back then, as theatres remained closed during almost his entire internship period. In stead he participated in some of our video productions of The Square Recordings series.


Curriculum Vitae

1996, Taipei, Taiwan

- Codarts University of the Arts
- University of Taipei Dance department

Previously danced in
The Great Bean, Carried Alive, All you have to do is wonder, Made in Rotterdam 2021

Man die de camera vastkrijpt en kijkt met intense blik

Featuring this season in