Borna Babic in witte broek met ontbloot bovenlijf met vegen van blauwe verf

Borna Babić

Borna Babić is a young choroegrapher and performer from Croatia. During his dance training at Codarts he did an internship at Poetic Disasters Club and then continued to work at Club Guy & Roni.

He is currently dancing with the Belgian company Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez. In 2018 he won the Scapino Production Prize at the choreography competition in Hanover.

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The dance film The End does not see by choreographer Borna Babić and cinematographer Davide Belotti follows the journey of seven people trying to break through limitations, leave things behind, in search of a freedom that does not exist. The dance embodies mental and physical limits, doubt and hope, ending where it began.

Duration: 10 minutes
Price: € 1.99

 Stream 'The end does not see'

Dansers op zeilschip de Eendracht